Target Audience

Who should take this course?

This 6 Module Introductory training programme has been written and designed for individuals new to the security service or current security professionals who wish to re-calibrate and update their existing core safety and security skills.


Why take this course?

To provide learners with an understanding of the key basic activities, responsibilities, and skills required to perform the role as a Security Officer with confidence and professionalism.


Upon completion of these courses you will:

Upon completion , you will have an understanding of; General safety and security functions, customer service, and conflict resolution, and violence at work as it relates to this role. The importance of diversity, equality and inclusivity within the workplace. The key security service operations, the relevant law & legislation regarding detention, arrest, use of force. Radio Use and Formal Writing.


What's my time investment?

Approximately 7-8 hours which includes notional hours where you put your learnings into practice in the workplace. Modules are released every 15 days.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Module 1 - Operational overview

    • What you do and what you wear

    • Quick test 1 - Introducing the modern Security Offcier

    • Test your awareness

    • Introduction to patrolling

    • Quick Test 2- Patrolling

    • Writing and your pocket notebook (PNB)

    • Taking a statement

    • Quick Test 3 - Formal Writing

    • Introduction to your radio

    • Speaking on the radio

    • Radio etiquette

    • How to handle regular radio conversations

    • Quick test 4 - Using your radio

    • First aid introduction

    • Quick test 5 - First Aid

    • Data protection and your role

    • Quick test 6 - Data protection

    • The operational overview final test

    • Website links for this course

  • 3

    Module 2 - Conflict Management

    • Introduction to managing conflict

    • What is good customer service?

    • The value of effective communication

    • Quick test 1 - Customer service basics

    • Non-verbal communication

    • Quick test 2 - Non-verbal communication

    • Recognising patterns of behaviour

    • Quick test 3 - Patterns of behaviour

    • Workplace violence, safeguarding and responsibility intro

    • Quick test 4 - Workplace violence

    • Conflict Management final test

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    Module 3 - Diversity and Equality

    • What is descrimination?

    • Understanding descrimination in your role

    • Quick test 1 - Discrimination

    • Inclusion - the power to reach your potential

    • Your role in creating an inclusive environment

    • Unconscious bias - introduction

    • Watch some examples...

    • Unconscious bias and me

    • The equality and diversity introduction final test

  • 5

    Module 4 - Safety and Security Operations

    • Crime scene preservation and you

    • Quick test 1 - crime scene basics

    • Alcohol, drugs and how you handle people under their influence

    • Quick test 2 - Alcohol and drugs

    • Bomb threats - what to say and do

    • Quick test 3 - Bomb threats

    • The security operations final test

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    Module 5 - Law and Legislation

    • Law, legislation and you - introduction

    • Civil and criminal law introduction

    • Quick test 1 - Law basics

    • Arrest - serious crime

    • Arrest - breach of the peace

    • After arrest - what's next?

    • The use of force

    • Quick test 2 - Arrest and the use of force

    • The law and legislation final test

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    Module 6 - Introduction to Formal Writing

    • Aims and objectives

    • Introduction to formal writing

    • Factual writing

    • Quick test - factual writing

    • Your powerful pocket notebook (PNB)

    • Quick test - your pocket notebook

    • Taking a statement and 5WH

    • Quick test - Statements and ID

    • Identification using ADVOKATE

    • Final test

    • End of Course Questionnaire

    • References for this course


Senior instructor

Claire Humble

Leading on Safety & Security is a former Senior Police Officer and HE Assistant Director; Safety & Security, with a stand out reputation for delivering Sector Leading Transformational Change, Leadership and Security Strategy at all levels of an Institution. Her in-depth expertise in Security Operations, Systems & Risk Management is underpinned by a Masters level Degree in International Security and Membership of the Security Institute. Her experience includes: Safety & Security Strategy, Systems & Logistics Leadership & Management Security Operational Procedures Crime Prevention Security Risk & Threat Assessment Emergency Planning Investigation Transformational Culture Change